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(A Unit of SAMARTH)
Rapid development in the human world will make the 21st century a knowledge-dominated century. The present model of development which undoubtedly brought about tremendous progress now needs to be succeeded by a sustainable template that is in harmony with nature and humankind. This template, in other words, must permeate the grassroots requirements of all sections.

CARRIED will therefore, seek to develop initiatives to eschew the demarcation between the academia and society, so that knowledge, research and ultimately the vision that evolves from them are to the long-term benefits of all the stakeholders.

CARRIED is initiated with the objective of creating a vision and documenting knowledge in different walks of life, to provide an holistic vision for the development of Humankind in harmony with Nature.


To achieve these objectives, CARRIED personnel will have coordination and interactions amongst the following heads:

1.      Academicians — for research and documentations.
2.      Ground level — workers for inputs and feedback on policy implementation and effectiveness.
3.      Media — for awareness among the people.
4.      Govt. machinery— to get need-based policies adapted at all the levels.
5.      Statesmen — vision to formulate policies in Parliament.

  (Registered under the Registration Act 1908 at Gorakhpur; Registration No – 142- 07/12/2007)

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